Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

What Are You Looking for?

There are many reasons for people to follow Jesus. Each of us has a reason or some reasons to follow Him. Those reasons, either we realize it or not, make us to come to church every Sunday, lead us to come to prayer meetings, pray every morning, give offerings and alms, even give our whole life to minister Him.

What are your reasons? What is your main reason that makes you follow Him? One day Jesus was walking and two disciples of John followed Him.

Jesus turned, saw them following him, and asked, "What are you looking for?”- John 1:38.

Can you imagine, you were walking, following Him, and then suddenly He turned and asked you, “What are you looking for? Why do you follow Me? What do you want from Me?”

I believe it’s a serious question. Just stop for a moment and think! Why do you still serve Him? Why do you get up early in the morning, take your guitar and play it, raise your voice and worship Him? What makes you go to Sunday service, spend two hours there, sing couples of songs, hear the preacher and then give your offerings?

For some people, it’s a crucial question. Lies behind it are their whole life. They give everything to follow Him, even their family. I meet some of them, earnestly and diligently serve Him, trust their whole life in His hands.

How about you? Have you ever thought what your main reason to follow Jesus is? Or, you just follow your family traditions from generation to generation and several of them are going to church every Sunday, praying together every morning and giving some of your money to your pastor.

There are many…. really many reasons to follow Jesus. Some of them are really wrong motives, some of them are right, but they all together stay in our hearts for sometimes according to our spiritual growth.

May each increase of our spiritual life make us wiser and mature so we can eliminate every wrong motive in our heart to follow Him wholeheartedly.

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